Friday, August 10, 2012

No more form numbers?

As part of their Transformation initiative, USCIS plans to remove references to specific form numbers and titles.  According to the Federal Register, Vol. 76, No. 167:

DHS is removing references to form numbers and form titles. At this time, USCIS will continue to accept paper submission of most applications, petitions, and benefit requests, although it will phase out references to mandatory use of specific forms for specific purposes in the regulations.  Mandating in regulations specific form numbers reduces USCIS's ability to modify its business processes to reflect filing procedures in an electronic environment. Form names and numbers will continue to exist for reference purposes but will not be specifically referenced in the regulations.  This rule is an early step in the transformation process and purposely does not remove all form references from all regulations affecting USCIS procedures at this time.  Forms identified by number will continue to appear until other parts of DHS regulations are amended to address transformation requirements.  The list of prescribed forms will be removed from 8 CFR parts 299 and 499, although USCIS will continue to refer to form numbers on its Internet Web site, and public information telephone scripts. DHS components ICE, and CBP will likewise continue to refer to form numbers on their Internet Web sites.

In most instances, DHS is removing form names and numbers by replacing the form reference with a generic statement, such as “the form designated by USCIS.”  Removal of these references from a paragraph or section in some instances, however, requires changes which cannot be achieved through replacement of a term or phrase.  In those instances, the entire paragraph is revised.
Speaking in shorthand will be difficult if the USCIS eliminates form numbers altogether.  I would prefer to say, "an I-129 for an H-1B," rather than "Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker for an H-1B" - the former sounds snappier, and rolls off the tongue easier.  Plus I think the tech-speak sounds more impressive to a client. :)

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